Sunday, April 10, 2016

Prompt Post #5 Observing Community: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Club

by Mine G.

As a freshman studying in MSU, this year was the time for me to explore what is going around campus. In my opinion, studying in a big university like MSU gives students experience different communities as well as the diversity among them. 
In terms of my major, Genomics, I am interested in every field of biology, and the best way for me to learn more about them is the club organizations in MSU. One of the club organizations that I like the most is The Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Club in MSU. BMB club is a student organization that helps undergraduate students discover the field, give information about research and internship opportunities, and graduate schools. Most importantly, the club is open for all undergraduate students as well as most of the student organizations in MSU.
Recently, I attended the "Science Career Talk – Recent Graduate Panel” held by BMB club. It was presented by 4 recent MSU graduates working at different companies and different positions. Graduates talked about variety of topics such as their work fields, what we should expect or what we should not, how we should prepare ourselves for a professional career, what tasks they normally do in a day and so on. After the panel, students got to ask questions to graduates. The questions were mostly about improving the resume, and applying for an internship. Since I didn’t know much about internships, I was interested in the talk. According to the panelists, internships are one of the most important elements to build a professional career and a resume, and most undergraduates think that senior or junior year would be better to get an internship. However, more internships will increase the chances of getting hired by companies, and probably the best year to apply for internships would be summer of the sophomore year.
As a conclusion, the panel was very informative for undergraduate students, especially for juniors and seniors. Hearing the facts from recent graduates created a sincere environment throughout the panel.  

More information about BMB Club and meetings:


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