Sunday, April 10, 2016

Nanotechnology - a breakthrough in science - What is it?

By Dan O.

Instead of doing a broad post about how/why a new type of physics or physical idea is amazing, I think it's better to start at the very beginning. What is it? Nanotechnology is a broad field, with topics that can take days to cover.

Nanotechnology deals with the world of the very small, within the realm of 2 nanometers, 1000 times smaller than a red blood cell. This scale is very key because this is the first scale where things are able to be assembled, without changing chemical compositions. Within the nanoscale, is where the realm of physics and biology start to merge and blend with each other. For example, a process called quantum tunneling occurs where particles are able to teleport past energy walls. Within biology, this nanotechnology processing may be able to repair limbs, organs or other body parts at the microscopic level. Currently, nanotechnology occurs in antimicrobial bandages with nanoparticles of silver killing harmful cells.

However, nanotechnology can do so much more within the medical and biological field. In fact, nanotech may impact this field the most. Patients can drink fluids with nanobots to attack and reconstruct cancer cells and viruses. Nanobots can even help with dangerous surgeries, allowing a surgeon to become 1000X more precise than now. By working on a small scale, no visual scars would remain, in fact, nanobots could completely change one's appearance through cosmetic surgery.

Within current devices, nanotechnology can be found in very common materials such as sunscreen, containing nanoparticles of zinc oxide or titanium oxide. The nanoparticles allow the sunscreen to rub on clear without a white sheer. Nanoparticles can even be found in clothing, by coating cloths with zinc oxide, clothes can give better protection from the sun's harmful UV radiation, or can help make the clothes stain-resistant.

Nanotech is certainly not completely new, but it is a very recent discovery. Scientists are finding new uses of this technology and the uses are almost endless. Hopefully, within the next decade, more discoveries are able to be made about this illustrious device.

References:   Bonsor, K., & Strickland, J. (2007, October 25). How Nanotechnology Works. Retrieved April 11, 2016, from



  1. Great post. Nanotechnology definitely has a broad applying prospect. With the progress of nanotechnology in microelectronics, the miniaturization of integrated circuits and electronic devices is going to be common.

    1. Thanks! I really hope that nanotechnology expands a lot further in order to help the world.
