Sunday, April 10, 2016

How Does Quantum Mechanics Affect Living Organisms?

by Mine G.

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see the word "quantum"? You would probably say it is something about physics, atomic particles, neutrons, protons and so on. And if I say quantum has also something to do with biology as well, you might say that it is non-sense. However, quantum mechanics is a part of a living life; for plants, for birds, and even for us.

As the technology goes further, researchers discover new fields that actually help us understand the world better. One of these new fields is called Quantum Biology. So, what does quantum biology refer to?

Quantum biology is an application of quantum mechanics to biology and biological problems. As you all would remember from high school biology books, energy conversions and transfers are involved in biological actions in organisms, such as light absorption, excited electrons, photosynthesis and so on.

Let me give an example from birds' annual migration. Each year more than ten thousand birds migrate to different locations on the Earth. One of the bird species that engages in the migration process is called European Robins. Every year, European Robins travel around 8000 miles. But, how do they navigate through migration?

Researchers hypothesize that birds navigate with the guidance of Earth's magnetic field. It is supported that the birds, especially European robins, can actually "see" the magnetic field by detecting the electron spin directions. For a further explanation, the electron in the receptor cells in retina sometimes change their spins in terms of the gravitational field. Therefore, electrons will absorb the photons coming from the Sun, or reflect it back to the optic nerves, depending on where the birds fly to.

European robins' navigation is just one example how quantum mechanics is applied to living organism. Other than birds' migration, photosynthesis, vision, enzymatic activities are some other fields of quantum biology. This fascinating relation between living organisms and the science of "the incredibly small" seems to become physicists' and biologists' new phenomena.

If you would like to learn more about birds' navigation, check out the video below:

References: Wikipedia, the free encylopedia. Quantum biology. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from
ScienceAlertStaff. (2014, February 2). This is how birds use quantum mechanics to navigate. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from 
Takushi, S. (2014, June 29). Birds That Use Quantum Mechanics to Migrate. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from


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