Sunday, February 21, 2016

Prompt (#9): Significance of Human Genetics

by Mine G.

From disease treatment to solving crimes, genetics now has become a huge part of our lives. Studies done in the field of genetics seem like future treatments for diseases that we cannot even imagine to be cured. It doesn't make sense? Well, let me give you an example;
On February 15, NBC published an article about "small people" living in the villages of Ecuador, suffering from Laron Syndrome. A further explanation, Laron Syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by mutations in the GHR gene (provides instructions for making a protein called the growth hormone receptor) that limits patients from growing taller. Induviduals with Laron Syndrome are usually born in normal size, then the growth slowly stops, when it reaches maximum to four feet (may be up to 4.5 feet for males). Other significant symptoms of Laron Syndrome is indicated as having small hands and feet, shorter limbs, and occasionally obesity. Laron Syndrome is said to be an extremely rare disorder, reporting only 350 cases throughout the world since 1950.
Now, let's get to the point. Laron Syndrome is an incredibly special case for many scientists. According to the studies done with the patients, it is reported that this genetic mutation keeps the Laron Syndrome patients away from several diseases; such as cancer, diabetes, or even Alzheimer's. "There's only one patient that has died of cancer among all of the subjects. And that is fascinating," says Dr. Jaime Guevara-Aguirre, as it is proclaimed on the NBC article. According to the article, the absence of IGF-1 hormone stops the body growth, but also stops constant growth of the cells which are causing cancer. 
The scientists working on the subject matter are aiming to turn the cancer/diabetes-free side of the Laron Sydrome into a medication to prevent the future cancer/diabetes cases.
Although the experiments done on mice clearly indicates that the mice lived longer and did not get sick as much as before when they passed the Laron to mice, there is no certainty that blocking IGF-1 on humans would work without any future complications. 
Laron Syndrome seems like to be used removing some disease such as cancer and diabetes entirely from our world. 


References:  Mcfadden, C., Whitman, J., & Connor, T. (2016, February 15). Little People of Ecuador Could Hold Key to Cancer Cure. Retrieved February 21, 2016, from

 Contributing Writer. The Importance of Studying Human DNA Genetics. Retrieved February 21, 2016, from 

 Laron syndrome. (2016, February 15). Retrieved February 21, 2016, from 

1 comment:

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