Monday, February 22, 2016

Nearsightedness and its' Potential Causes

By: Cameron O’Neill

            I have recently visited the site ScienceDaily in search of a topic for this week’s post. What I was able to find that I was interested in was a study that "looks" into the predictions for 2050 on nearsightedness. (Video Link)

This study expects that roughly ten percent of people around the globe will have the eyesight that restricts them to only be able to clearly see and identify things such as text, photos, and detail at a close distance.

This study was interesting to me because I am an avid gamer. Almost every day I spend as much as 2 hours on video games. The study suggests that these expectations are a result of people spending more time indoors, on screen, and strenuous work such as schoolwork, office work, or reading. Since our everyday lives include almost everything I listed, this means that almost everyone that reads this post is probably someone partaking in these things.

Image result for nearsightedness vision

The post sums up by giving a few pointers and tips to help you try and avoid the eyesight problems. Try going outside more, using technology at a close range less, and also hints that schools should lower the strenuous studying and reading.

This information in valuable to me because not only am I affected by the results, but so is just about every person I know, and I believe the same is true for all my readers.

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